Saturday, November 18, 2006

The .1 police!

Some people out there, might wonder why they have never really heard much about the special police force, that is utilized to hunt down and detain people and determine their worthiness as a human being.

There is indeed such a force.

They can come to your house in the middle of the night and take you away from your family. Is is as if it is a scene out of WWII Germany, with the Gestapo knocking on certain people's doors, coming to take people away that they felt did not meet their idea of a human being. They do not care about how they treat the .1, or their families, in the process. They do what they please and say what they please, knowing there are no consequences for their actions, and that they have the full support of the Canadian government to back them. They assault .1ers for no reason other than because they do not want them in Canada. They talk down to us. They tell us we have no rights. Then they place us in shackles and lock us up in segregation until they can figure out how to dispose of us.

My family and I have been through the whole process and it is not something we would ever want to experience again. Yet, it is still there, hanging over all of us at all times.

One might ask how my family could have gone through something like that, yet I am still here to talk about it... if they are taking us and disposing of us.

They did dispose of me!

But... I am not a piece of trash that one can throw out easily. I am like a boomerang. You can throw me as far as you want but you will always get me back.

The secret .1 police know this. That is why they resort to illegal means to try and dispose of us. They will try everything short of murder. Pretty hard for them to get away with murdering one of us. It does happen, but, most our families would know about it! Who knows about the ones that do not have anyone that knows about them. Pretty scary to know that the .1 police come and get them and you never see them again.

So... if they can not dispose of us... then they will just build us concentration camps as they have recently done. And the courts decides that we can be held for an "undetermined" amount of time.

I guess the concentration camps will indeed work. They can throw me away multiple times and I can always come back. But, if they locked me up and tucked me away out of site.... I could grow old and die in a box. Meanwhile the taxpayers pick up the tab.

Funny... most .1ers are working and paying taxes when the secret .1 police come and get them. When they lock them up forever... they no longer contribute. We become more of a burden than they claim we were before.

Who truly suffers?

Being locked in a cage 24 hours a day, is not the most pleasant experience, but at least our families can come an see us... if the government will allow it. But, all in all, it is something that can be tolerated. Not much of a life... but free food, laundry and tv forever. We don't have to pay for it.... you do. And other .1ers that pay taxes.

No, most of us would not suffer, but our families would suffer the most.

Our children and our spouses.

They are the ones that suffer through all this. The children are missing one of their parents... all because of what they are. A .1 that is not worthy of being with their family. What about the whole digit children? What does that teach them about themselves? Are they not worthy because of their blood? There is a.1 in their genetics.

We will touch a lot, on how this effects the children of .1ers, and what they have to go through. That will cover many topics on its own.

Then there is what the spouses of .1ers have to go through. All the hardships that are placed upon them after having years or decades of hardships already, are now two fold.

The impact is felt forever.

Meanwhile, somewhere, there are people who can sleep good at night... knowing that they ripped a human being away from their family and destroyed people's lives.

Those people are the .1 police and the politicians that support them.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Where am I?

I live in Canada, if you call being a .1 living... but I am definitely alive.

I live in a small town, 60 thousand people, but small by my standards. There are less .1ers around here. Most are concentrated in the cities and major urban populations. It seems much easier to blend in amongst the whole digits that surround us, when we are in the cities.

Actually... .1ers live all around us.

They are everywhere, but most people fail to take notice of them.

That can be a good thing or it can be a bad thing.

Some .1ers want the whole world to know about them and try and speak up and out against the unjust problems that we face. It only ends up in disappointment for them and their families and friends. We usually have to rely on our families and friends to speak up for us.

Some people, consider Canada a first world country, that deeply cares about... and for it's citizens. They have been well known around the world as a very peaceful country that believes firmly in human rights. They think that children are important and that families are a key to raising a child properly. Canadian politicians talk the talk all around the whole world... but then come home and fail to walk the walk. All talk and no walk. Canada definitely has it's own internal problems that it likes to sweep under the carpet.

.1ers are just another one of the problems that the government denies existing. Well, they acknowledge that they exist... but refuse to do anything about it. They fail to treat us as human beings and shun us and will do anything to get rid of us. Sadly, most the population of Canada, and the world too... have no clue on how bad Canada treats .1er's

The government is serious when it comes to .1ers

They even built us our own concentration camp and there is talk of more being built. Don't worry... it's paid for.... by you! They want to keep us separate from the general population of whole digits. They treat us like we are a disease that is causing sores that will fester and burst. I guess they felt they had to keep us somewhere. Even though, most of us have never hurt a single person, nor would we.

They say that there are bad apples off of every tree. Well, if you want to compare trees.... you will see that the .1 tree is big... but nothing like the size of the regular digit's tree. What does that mean exactly? It means that more bad apples fall off the regular digit's tree than ours. So, people really should not be throwing stones in glass houses. Besides... it is kind of hard to hit a .1 with a rock... first you got to find one... and you usually will not know who is one unless they tell you.

I love Canada but am quite wary of the government. You can not place blame on a single word such as Liberal or Conservative. It is far beyond that. Both parties are constantly dropping the ball when it comes to .1ers

When a country will smile to the public and wave, as the rest of the World congratulates them on what a wonderful country they are and celebrating it achievements as a leader in human rights... do they know about the hundreds of thousands of .1ers that have been abandoned by Canada?

My guess is no, nor do they know, about how inhumanely Canada treats all the .1ers

I love our country, but something needs to change, or many of people are going to continue to suffer each and everyday, until something is done to help .1ers and not shun them. How can Canada claim to be a leading nation in Human Rights, when there are so many people suffering inside Canada's own borders, and they do nothing.

Shame on the Canadian government and the Canadian politicians that continue to allow our families to suffer.

Maybe they need to walk in the shoes of a .1 for a day!

It could be much worse...

I could have been born or become a .001

I could have been born with birth defects.

My mind could have been missing a few sprockets or gears.

I could have been raised in North Korea or Somalia.

I could have been born dead and not experienced life at all.

I realize, that there are many people around the world, that have problems and issues much worse than mine. I know that my life could be much worse than it is.

But, this blog is not about them.

It is about being a .1

Becoming a .1 is fairly easy.

Anyone can become a .1

I was not born a .1 nor did I plan on becoming a .1

It just happened for me. It is not that way with everyone. Some people, choose to go out of their way to become a .1, for whatever reasons they might have.

I do not look down upon them for their reasons. I realize that they have enough problems, on their own, from being a .1 ... and do not need other people to talk down upon them or to them in a judgmental manner, especially another .1er

I am in no point to judge others (even though I am a point myself), as I am a .1 by accident and I can become a whole again, on and by my own free will... any time.

But I choose to remain a small little .1 in the giant sea of numbers.

Some people might wonder why I choose to remain a .1, when I could be a full digit, like the other members of my family.

The simple answer?

It is because of my family.

The answer is not that simple.

That answer is quite long, and will be answered in depth, as this blog moves on.

I am hoping to bring forth an understanding about .1er's, and show the whole digits out there, that we are people too! I hope to meet other .1ers that might want to share their own experiences with being a.1 and how it has affected their lives, their families lives, and the lives of people around them.

And... also expose the corrupt system that is in place, that lets so many .1ers become forgotten about and living in a world of constant bitterness.

I think people forget, that hundreds of thousands of .1ers, can equal A LOT OF WHOLE NUMBERS WHEN THEY GET TOGETHER!

People show their strength in numbers.

The country I live in, has hundreds of thousands of .iers, some countries have MILLIONS of .1ers!

Just because most of us go unnoticed...does not mean that we are not here!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Point One


I am Point One.

You can call me .1 for short.

Welcome to 3.1

This is my blog.

Some people might wonder why I am named .1 and why this blog is called 3.1

I guess, it is because that is what I am... but more about what I am not.

I am part of a family.

A beautiful family.

There is my wife 1, and our two children, 2 and 3.

AND then there is me.

I am the .1 of this beautiful family.

Now, some people, might ask why I am not a full percent... like the rest of my family. That is a very valid question and there are many different answers.

Throughout this blog, I plan on giving some of those answers to the question, of what made me a .1 in a 3.1 family.

I will also be giving an insight, into the life of what it is like being a .1, and what someone like me has to face on a regular basis. It might not be that exciting, reading about the life of a .1er, but you never know... it can get a little interesting now and then.

So, I invite you listen to my story, and come to your own conclusions about the life of a .1