Saturday, November 18, 2006

The .1 police!

Some people out there, might wonder why they have never really heard much about the special police force, that is utilized to hunt down and detain people and determine their worthiness as a human being.

There is indeed such a force.

They can come to your house in the middle of the night and take you away from your family. Is is as if it is a scene out of WWII Germany, with the Gestapo knocking on certain people's doors, coming to take people away that they felt did not meet their idea of a human being. They do not care about how they treat the .1, or their families, in the process. They do what they please and say what they please, knowing there are no consequences for their actions, and that they have the full support of the Canadian government to back them. They assault .1ers for no reason other than because they do not want them in Canada. They talk down to us. They tell us we have no rights. Then they place us in shackles and lock us up in segregation until they can figure out how to dispose of us.

My family and I have been through the whole process and it is not something we would ever want to experience again. Yet, it is still there, hanging over all of us at all times.

One might ask how my family could have gone through something like that, yet I am still here to talk about it... if they are taking us and disposing of us.

They did dispose of me!

But... I am not a piece of trash that one can throw out easily. I am like a boomerang. You can throw me as far as you want but you will always get me back.

The secret .1 police know this. That is why they resort to illegal means to try and dispose of us. They will try everything short of murder. Pretty hard for them to get away with murdering one of us. It does happen, but, most our families would know about it! Who knows about the ones that do not have anyone that knows about them. Pretty scary to know that the .1 police come and get them and you never see them again.

So... if they can not dispose of us... then they will just build us concentration camps as they have recently done. And the courts decides that we can be held for an "undetermined" amount of time.

I guess the concentration camps will indeed work. They can throw me away multiple times and I can always come back. But, if they locked me up and tucked me away out of site.... I could grow old and die in a box. Meanwhile the taxpayers pick up the tab.

Funny... most .1ers are working and paying taxes when the secret .1 police come and get them. When they lock them up forever... they no longer contribute. We become more of a burden than they claim we were before.

Who truly suffers?

Being locked in a cage 24 hours a day, is not the most pleasant experience, but at least our families can come an see us... if the government will allow it. But, all in all, it is something that can be tolerated. Not much of a life... but free food, laundry and tv forever. We don't have to pay for it.... you do. And other .1ers that pay taxes.

No, most of us would not suffer, but our families would suffer the most.

Our children and our spouses.

They are the ones that suffer through all this. The children are missing one of their parents... all because of what they are. A .1 that is not worthy of being with their family. What about the whole digit children? What does that teach them about themselves? Are they not worthy because of their blood? There is a.1 in their genetics.

We will touch a lot, on how this effects the children of .1ers, and what they have to go through. That will cover many topics on its own.

Then there is what the spouses of .1ers have to go through. All the hardships that are placed upon them after having years or decades of hardships already, are now two fold.

The impact is felt forever.

Meanwhile, somewhere, there are people who can sleep good at night... knowing that they ripped a human being away from their family and destroyed people's lives.

Those people are the .1 police and the politicians that support them.

1 comment:

Me said...


is everything ok?

somethings out of whack.

love always,